There are many paid marketing tactics that can help drive more traffic to your website, but if you’re looking to increase website visits without having to pay for each click, check out these simple steps to increase organic traffic to your small business website.

Make sure you have a mobile version of your website

smartphoneMore and more users are surfing the web from their smartphones. If they hit your site and it is not mobile-friendly, they will likely bounce off your website. That is valuable, free traffic that could have converted into a lead. How can you make your site mobile friendly? You can create a separate mobile version or use a responsive design of your main site. Ask your web developer if you have a separate site or a responsive site. You can also check your website to see if its mobile-friendly with this free tool. It will clearly tell you if your site is mobile friendly and give you a screenshot of how your site renders on mobile.

Add fresh content regularly

Having relevant, fresh content added to your site on a regular basis is a powerful way to attract new visitors to your site. Blogging is one of the easiest ways to do this, but of course, you can also add videos, infographics, checklists, etc., anything that a searcher would find useful and attract them to your website. Interesting and relevant content increases chances that after reading that content piece, the visitor will perform the target action like filling out a contact form, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting a free demo. Fresh content not only attracts traffic organically, but it can also significantly help convert web visitors to leads.

Promote your website on various social channels

social media networksMany new site visitors find a new website because it popped up on their social feed. Sure, you can place ads on social channels to enhance visibility, but you can attract organic traffic for free simply by promoting your business, your website, and your content on your social channels. Here are a few tips on how to drive organic traffic from social media to your website:

  • Share a snippet of a new blog post with a link to the site
  • Cross-promote your social channels with a link to your website
  • Announce new products or services on social media with a link to your website
  • Highlight employee hires or company accomplishments and link back to your website

Yes, link to your website! On some channels, like Instagram, it is better to refer people to the link in your bio to get to your site, but again, the goal is to drive traffic organically to your website from your social channels. Make the information interesting, engaging, and enough to make followers click to your site to learn more.

Use free press release services to showcase your company

Just hire a new employee?  Create a new product? Relocate to a bigger building? Any kind of newsworthy content should be submitted to various press release websites. There are several websites for small business owners to submit press releases, some free and some paid. A good press release will attract organic traffic to your website, so take advantage of these resources.

Email marketing is still a strong option to drive traffic to your site

newsletterEmail marketing is not dead. As a matter of fact, it is alive and thriving! What’s gone are those emails with no clear purpose and no value to the receiver. Sending emails regularly to customers, prospects, and brand evangelists will keep your business top of mind with them. Having several links from those emails to your website makes it easy for readers to click through and get to the relevant page on your website that they are interested in. If you need help with your email marketing, we’ve created a whole library of useful articles about email marketing!

Links from relevant websites

In almost any article you read online, there are typically several links that lead to other websites with related information. Adding those links helps make the content more useful in the eyes of Google. Those links from other sites to yours are called “backlinks,” and they are a big, big part in getting organic traffic to your site. Getting a backlink from an external website is like getting a vote for your site. The more votes you have, the higher your site will rank in search engine results. There are numerous articles on how to get backlinks to your site, including a good one by Ahrefs on their blog. It is worth the read to see how to get more backlinks to your site.

These are a few simple steps to increase organic traffic to your small business website. Craving more ideas?  Check out Wordstream’s article about increasing organic traffic. Get more traffic, and you will see your lead flow increase, as well as your sales.

Patty Hughes
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