Small Business Marketing Services
Strategic Marketing Services offers a variety of marketing advisory services, allowing small business to access marketing expertise to generate revenue and grow their business. We specialize in developing custom marketing strategies and solutions that help our clients achieve and exceed their marketing and sales goals.
Marketing Strategy Creation
It’s critical for small businesses to start their marketing efforts with a well-designed, thoroughly
researched marketing strategy. To ensure that your marketing efforts are a success, we will create a marketing strategy that looks at your current business, your ultimate business goals, a comprehensive review of your industry, an in-depth look at your competitors, and your ideal target audience. Based on this research, we will present a well-crafted marketing plan that incorporates both traditional and digital marketing efforts, and will make recommendations on how to increase traffic, leads and revenue for your small business by outlining targeted tactics for ongoing marketing efforts.
Marketing Management
For many small businesses, having a well-designed marketing strategy is not enough. Small business owners are too busy working on the business to worry about finding qualified marketing resources to execute the strategies presented in a marketing plan, and can’t afford to bring on an in-house marketing manager to manage these efforts. Strategic Marketing Services can be your virtual marketing manager, identifying qualified resources for the services needed to carry out your marketing plan. Not only can we help identify competent, experienced resources for your marketing efforts, we can help manage the day to day activities and report the measurable results to you on a monthly basis. Let us be your virtual marketing manager and show you how effective marketing efforts can drive measurable results and increased revenue for your small business.
Marketing Budgets and Forecasts
Building, executing and monitoring marketing forecasts and budgets takes time and expertise that many small business owners simply don’t have. How much of your annual budget should go towards marketing expenses? Which marketing avenues generate the most leads? The most business? What kind of conversion rate should you expect from each marketing resource? How can you determine if a marketing expense is providing the ROI that it should? We can help! We will work with you to review your past marketing efforts and what the results were, how to budget for future marketing efforts, and how to forecast leads based on historical data. We’ll monitor this budget on a monthly basis and share our expertise in how certain marketing resources are doing; which efforts you should ramp up on for better ROI, and which efforts are best to put aside in favor of other efforts.
Sales and Marketing Integration
One of the most difficult challenges that small businesses face is how to integrate the efforts of sales and marketing to turn it into a well-run system that generates qualified leads that will ultimately turn into sales. Strategic Marketing Services can help you understand your buyer
personas, your target audience, the sales cycle of your business, and how to better manage your sales funnel by better understanding the buyer’s journey, and what kind of information and messaging a potential client needs in each step of the sales funnel. Too often in small businesses, potential leads are nurtured the same, regardless of where they are in the sales cycle. Let us help you better integrate your sales and marketing efforts to generate more business and more revenue for your company.
Training and Hiring Consultation
Many small business clients ultimately get to the point where they’re either ready to take part of their marketing efforts in house and hiring a marketing coordinator or other employee to do the day to day marketing work, or they’re ready to elevate their existing team by teaching them how to manage the ongoing marketing plan. To us, if you’ve grown your business enough to bring on additional marketing resources, we’ve done our job in increasing revenue for you! As a trusted partner, we can either create training documentation to prepare your in-house staff to take over the day-to-day tactical efforts of marketing, or we can help you find your next marketing professional to bring in-house to run your marketing efforts. We’re here to help you succeed and grow, and growing your marketing team may be the next logical step. We’ll partner with you to determine the best solution and how to find the right individual.