How to Upload a Video to Instagram

Love to watch all those videos on Instagram but don't know how to post your own? Watch this quick video to learn how!

Posted by Strategic Marketing Services on Wednesday, August 1, 2018

This short video shows you how to upload and post a video to Instagram, an important social media video marketing tip to know!

Instagram is an extremely popular platform for the Millennial market and if you’re in an industry that wants to market to that demographic, you need to be posting on Instagram and you need to be posting videos!

Here are a few things to know: Videos on Instagram can only be a minute or less so you need to think commercial length; however, you also want to be authentic. Instagram is also a completely mobile site, meaning you need to have the video downloaded onto your mobile phone or you need to have the video recorded on your phone. Regular Instagram posting does allow you to post a full 16:9 aspect ratio, you just have to be careful to make sure to press the small button on the lower left hand corner to make the video full sized when you’re posting it. If you don’t, the video will be uploaded as the square 4:3 aspect ratio and could potentially cut off important information. And that’s how to post a video to Instagram basically!

Other than those few items to remember, posting to Instagram is fairly easy and we can always help you if you need further assistance! Looking for tips on how to post to other social channels?  Be sure to check out Strategic Marketing Services’ resource page for our whole collection of helpful how-to videos.

Patty Hughes
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