If there’s one thing that marketers are really good at, it’s taking advantage of an already hyped-up situation and leveraging it for their own marketing. Name any holiday, and chances are, someone marketer is writing a blog post about how best to market for that holiday, or their favorite commercials, ads, etc. While Super Bowl isn’t an official holiday, it’s still yet another occasion where savvy marketers use the day to their advantage. And there are some great blogs and infographics out there!  We thought we’d share our favorite Super Bowl marketing blogs and infographics. Maybe you’ll get inspired to do something like this for your own marketing next year!

Digital Marketing vs Super Bowl Commercials Infographic

The creative people at Campaignium put together this great infographic to help put into perspective the average spend on a Super Bowl commercial and what that might get you in marketing efforts. Don’t you wish you had a $4M marketing budget?

Super Bowl Ads Lead to Social Media and Stock Price Boost

This was from last year’s Super Bowl but what a great article to read! Adobe puts together a great story about the Super Bowl and the power of social media.

10 Video Marketing Lessons from The Super Bowl’s Best & Worst Commercials

Who knew the Super Bowl could be educational?  This article takes a look at last year’s commercials, the home runs and the train wrecks, and shows us how to apply the concepts to our own video marketing efforts.


If you’re one of those people who only watches the Super Bowl for the commercials, this cheat sheet is for you. Not only does it give you an inside look at this year’s commercials, it once again shows how much everyone likes a good cheat sheet!

Super Bowl 2018 Infographic – A Digital Marketer’s Playbook Part 1

This is meant to be a “how to” for anyone who is marketing toward a potential Super Bowl audience.  They’ve laid out who your digital media campaigns should reach and what these consumers are looking to purchase. If you like this infographic, check out part 2!

3 Things Content Marketers Should Learn From the Super Bowl

This one’s a few years old, but the message rings true. Refine the message and build momentum. Great tips here!

How to Outperform a $5 Million Super Bowl Ad with Content Marketing

Can you really compete against the big companies as a small business owner?  This articles says yes!  Check it out for some great ideas!

The above are just a few articles that show you how you can take a holiday or special event and use it to showcase your own business. Looking for more holiday marketing ideas?  Make sure you have a plan to nail it! Check out our blog, How to Plan Your Holiday Marketing Efforts.

Enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday!

Patty Hughes
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